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More than one Leap Year Day baby in one family?
Is that even possible? What are the odds?

More than 2 and 3 Leap Day babies in the same family! It certainly is possible. The odds vary. Here follows a list of Honor Society of Leap Year Day Babies members that count fellow Leapers among their family members.

Most Generations Born on Leap Day

Most Generations Born on Leap Day

Three consecutive generations born on February 29, Leap Day:

Peter Anthony Keogh (Ireland, b.1940),

his son Peter Eric (UK, b. 1964) and

his granddaughter Bethany Wealth (UK, b. 1996)

all celebrate their birthdays every four years.

'I'm trying to find a bookmaker who will take the odds on us having a fourth generation of the family born on February 29,' Peter joked



Riley Harris of New Brunswick, Canada born 1988 at 7:03pm

Hey guys, I'm the 2nd of 4 babies born Leap Day '88. I got a brother Ryan, and two sisters Rachel and Roxanne. If you are, or know of any other Leap Day quadruplets, could you please contact me. As far as I know we are the only ones in the world.

1. Roxanne Harris of New Brunswick, Canada born 1988 at 6:59pm
2. Ryan Harris of New Brunswick, Canada born 1988 at 7:04pm

3. Rachelle Harris of New Brunswick, Canada born 1988 at 7:10pm
4. Roxanne born last but not least

The odds of being a spontaneous triplet born on Leap Day without induction or cesarean section is about .000000249-percent.

1. Sharon King of Massachusetts, USA born 1964

I happen to know 2 other Leap Day babies very well. It's my sister and brother. We're triplets!  I wonder what the statistics are on that possibility. We have fun with the special day, our kids love the fact that they are now older than us.

2. Sarah Joseph of California, USA born 1980 

My triplet brother and sister and I were born on Leap Day, 1980. I found this site while trying to calculate the odds of our birth (procrastination is a wonderful thing...), which seems to be about 1 in a trillion or something ridiculous. My poor dad was talked into having "just one more" by our mom (he already has 3 daughters from his first marriage) - woops! I've met a few other Leap Day babies, and a few other sets of triplets, but no Leap Day trips yet!

3. Anthony Luciano Swit of California, USA born 1996
I am the first of triplet boys born on Leap Day 1996 (my brothers are Joseph and Rafael).

Joseph Jackson Swit of California, USA born 1996 at 10:46 pm
I am the second of triplet boys born on Leap Day 1996 (my brothers are Anthony and Rafael).

Rafael Thomas Swit of California, USA born 1996 at 10:47 pm
I am the third of triplet boys born on Leap Day 1996 (my brothers are Anthony and Joseph).

4. India Phillips Bullock of Wolverhampton, England, UK born 2000
We are the UK's first Leap Day triplets in the new millennium.

Savannah Phillips Bullock of Wolverhampton, England, UK born 2000
Alicia Phillips Bullock of Wolverhampton, England, UK born 2000

5. Samuel Harris Rowe of South Carolina, USA born 2004
I am a spontaneous triplet born naturally on Leap Day. My brother, sister, and I hold the record for the largest triplets (total weight 16 lbs. 13 oz.) ever born in Charleston, SC. My mommy carried us for 37.5 weeks.

Andrew Derrick Rowe of South Carolina, USA born 2004 at 6:42 PM

Elizabeth Hart Rowe of South Carolina, USA born 2004 at 6:39 PM


1  Olav Henriksen of Stavanger, Norway born 1964 at 00:30
I am one of three children in the same family who are born on the 29 of February.
We have also been in the Guinness book of records. Regards Olav.

Leif-Martin Henriksen of Norway born 1968 at 01:10

Heidi of Stavanger, Norway born 1960

2  William Fernandez of New York, USA born 1960 at 7AM
I come from a large family and have two other siblings born on Feb.29 (each of us 4 years apart). We are a total of nine bothers and sisters. Everyone in the family makes a big deal about us being born on Leap Day. Our nieces and nephews get a kick out of the fact that some are older then we are, and I had one of my nephews tell me, "I know you are my favorite uncle, but remember, you have to respect your elders." He is now 12.

3  Utah, USA family has three kids born on Leap Day.

According to Louise Estes welcomed:
Xavier in 2004
Remington in 2008
Jade in 2012

She and her husband have two other kids, born in between, who also get special 'milestone' birthday celebrations every four years so they don't feel left out.


Two sets of twins in one family born in 2 consecutive Leap Years.

Trish O'Shea of Dublin, Ireland born 1960 at 05.15am 
Myself and my brother were born on Leap Year Day 1960. But 4 years previous my sister and other brother (also twins) were born at the same time on 29th Feb 1956. We were their birthday presents!!!!!

1  Joshawa T. Smith of Oregon, USA born 1980 at 8:15am
My brother is 4 years (or one Leap Year) older and our Grandmother
was a Leap Day Baby.

Steven Smith of Oregon, USA born 1976 at 8:10am
My brother is 4 years (or 1 Leap Year) younger, and our Grandmother
was a Leap Day Baby.

2  Peter Vasquez of Illinois, USA born 1988 at 8:00pm
I like having my birthday every four years. We always have a big celebration!
The only problem is I do not like sharing it with my brother!

Nike Vasquez of Illinois, USA born 1992 at 1:00pm
Everyone in our family was at the pizza place celebrating my brother's birthday
when I was born. The only one in the waiting room was the news reporter! It's
great being born on Leap Day, and I do not mind sharing with my brother!!

3  John B. Durrant of British Columbia, Canada born 1956 at 5:00am
I don't know if anyone has a brother/sister story but my younger brother was born
on Leap Year one Leap Year after me. He has a story about being pulled over by
a cop and when the officer punched his drivers license into the computer he was
cited for having an invalid drivers license. The computer system didn't recognize
Leap Year!!! No amount of explaining would get him out of the ticket!! My other
brother and my sister were born on September 11th, exactly four years apart!
My folks had a good sense of timing!

4  Steve Parks of New Brunswick, Canada born 1972 at 11:23 pm

Tony Parks of New Brunswick, Canada born 1968 at 4:51 am
My brother is also a Leap Year baby and the amazing thing is we are the only two siblings . Any one else out there have a Leap Year sibling?

5  Steven R. Baeth of Montana, USA born 1956 at 3:25 AM
I was born in 1956, four years later the next child in our family was born. That
was my baby sister Janet. She was born on February 29th, 1960. I think she
was also born about 3:00 AM. Does anyone know of any other families with
more than one Leap Day baby? 

6  Ross W. Shriver of Ohio, USA born 1956
My sister Debra Shriver Smith is also a leap day baby. She was born in 1952.
To our knowledge we were the first such siblings in the USA. We think there
is only one other set of siblings, like us, maybe in Indiana. If anyone can help
us we would really like to be able to verify this.

Deb Shriver Smith of Ohio, USA born 1952 at 12:30 A.M.
Yes I have met another Leap Day Baby, He is my Brother. He was born on my
"First Real Birthday." My Dad used to say "I have a son born on my daughter's
first birthday and a daughter born in between them. There are no twins and all
are full brother and sisters with no premature births. Unless it was close to
Leap Year few people could figure it out.

Leap Back Up!

7  Kathryn Heverly of Maryland, USA born 1964 at 1:30am
I have an interesting fact. Not only was I born on Leap Year but so was my
sister, four years earlier. How many people can say that?!

8  Rachel E. Tracy of Missouri, USA born 1984 at 12:05 A.M.
My little brother is also a Leap Year baby, born 4 years after me.

Jacob I. Tracy of Missouri, USA born 1988 at 10:50 P.M.
My big sister is also a Leap Year baby born 4 years before me.


9  Lizanne Figueras of Gibraltar born 1984 at am
My sister and I were born on Leap Years. My older sister Charlene was born
on 1980 and I intruded on 1984! Unfortunately there are already 3 siblings in
the Guinness book of records! hehe


10  Marianne Abrahamson of Wisconsin, USA born 1940 at 10:30 AM
My brother is also a Leap Year baby, born in 1936.


11  Nathan of Kansas, USA born 2000 at 12:45 p.m. 
My name is Nathan. I am the 1st of 2 children born on Leap Day in my family.
My sister Audrey was born on my birthday in 2004. I know a man who is not
in the family that was also born on Leap Day.

Audrey of Kansas, USA born 2004 at 11:18 a.m. 
My name is Audrey. I am 1 of 2 Leap Day babies born in my family. I was my
big brother Nathans 4th birthday present. I also know a man who was born on
Leap Day that is not in our family.

12  Marilyn Johnston of British Columbia, Canada born 1960 at 5:40 am 
I have a sister 4 years younger who is also a Leap Year baby.

13  Paula Richards of Maine, Knox born 1976 at 10:39 AM 
Well, I was born on Feb 29th, 1976 I have a twin sister and an older sister also
born on Leap Year. My Mom made the Guinness book of world records.

14  My partner and I have two children who were born on February 29.
Juan Daniel Hernandez: February 29, 2012
Mateo Hernandez: February 29, 2016
Thank you very much, Juan Hernandez from Colombia

Leap Back Up!



The odds of giving birth to twins on Leap Day are about 1 in 50,000.


Anna Forsberg of Jakobstad, Finland born 1976
I've got a twin brother. My best friend and also a Leap Year baby of course.

Simon Forsberg of Jakobstad, Finland born 1976
I have a twin sister!

2  Andrew G. Peters of Arizona, USA born 1956 at 11:28 pm
My wife and twin sister are Leap Year babies. I also worked with a female engineer
who had an identical twin sister . . .their b-day was 02/29/68.

Nicki Peters of Montana, USA born 1956 at 11:31 pm
Twin brother and his wife are Leap Year babies.


 Alan Mileski of Illinois, USA born 1948 at 2:00 pm
I have twin cousins who were born 4 years later on Leap Day!

4  Bud Karp of California, USA born 1928
Yes, we have met another Leap Day Baby, Jerry is my twin. We were double trouble
when we were kids.

Jerry Karp of California, USA born 1928
Yes, we have met another Leap Day Baby, Bud is my twin. We were double trouble
when we were kids.


5  Jenn Burke of New Jersey, USA born 1968 at 10:31 am

Rob Puentes of Virginia, USA born 1968 at 10:30 AM
Jenn Burke (#388) is my twin!


6  Mary E. Frownfelter Blandford of Michigan, USA born 1948 at 11:50 am
I was fortunate to have a twin sister born on Leap Year day with me. Fortunately we were born around noon or else we wouldn't have shared the same birth day. (Maxine was born 20 minutes after I was.) Are there any other Leap Year twins out there? My son, who turns 16 this year thinks it is really great that he is "older" than his mother.

Maxine E. Frownfelter Lane of Michigan, USA born 1948 at 12:10 pm Twin to Mary E.

7  Kevin Radzimski of Ohio, USA born 1984 at 1:59 pm
Twin to #546.

Mike Radzimski of Ohio, USA born 1984 at 2:05 pm
Twin to #545.


8  Joleen Ludwig of Nevada, USA born 1980 at 5:53 pm
I was born 9 minutes after my twin. Funny thing is that we weren't due for another two weeks! We have the best b-day parties too! :)

9  Skye Favinger of Pennsylvania, USA born 1992 at 8:35 am
We are fraternal girl/boy twins born on Leap Year. We would like to talk to other Leap Year twins.

Sage Favinger of Pennsylvania, USA born 1992 at 8:38 am
We are fraternal girl/boy twins born on Leap Year. We would like to talk to other Leap Year twins.

10  Joshua Sands of New York, USA born 1980 at 2:01 pm
I am Jeremiah's twin.

Jeremiah Sands of New York, USA born 1980 at 2:03 PM
I am Joshua's twin.

11  Mira Chaurushiya of USA born 1980 at 8:42 pm
I have a twin sister too! She was born at 8:43 pm.

12  Mandy Tyler of West Virginia, USA born 1980 at 12:00 pm
Hello all, I am not only born on Leap Year Day, I am also a twin. My sister, Sandy,
and I had our 15 minutes of fame pretty early, the day we were born we were on the
news and pictured in the paper the next day.

Sandy Tyler of West Virginia, USA born 1980 at 12:00 pm
Twin to Mandy #768. 


Leap Back Up!

13  Margaret Gail Bond-Stokes of Alabama, USA born 1952 at 5:00 am
I am the twin to #809 Kenneth Dale Bond.

Kenneth Dale Bond of Alabama, USA born 1952 at 4:27 am
I am the twin to #808 Gail Bond-Stokes.

14  Barbara F. Dunn of Texas, USA born 1952 at 7:00 am
Twin to #844

Linda F. Dunn of Texas, USA born 1952 at 7:00 am
Twin to #843

15  Mary Worcester of Minnesota, USA born 1956 at 12:20 pm
Yes, I have met another Leap Year baby, my twin sister!!!!

Meg Worcester of Minnesota, USA born 1956 at 12:25 pm


16  Ashley Bishop of Texas, USA born 1984 at 5:56 am
I was a little surprise on a Big Day, I am a twin to Justin!!! I was born at 5:56 am.
I weighed 4 lbs 10 oz and I was 16" long. I live in a small town and I made the
front page of the local paper!!!!!

Justin Bishop of Texas, USA born 1984 at 5:58 am
I was a little surprise on a Big Day! I am a twin to Ashley!!! I was born at 5:58 am.
I weighed 6 lbs 8oz and I was 18" long. I live in a small town and I  made the
front page of the local paper!!!

17  Wayne Brown of South Carolina, USA born 1964
Born on Leap Year Day, but also born an identical twin!

18  Lanice E. Jiron of New Mexico, USA born 1952
Yes, I have met another Leap Day Baby. I am a twin!


19  Natalie Veenhouwer of Washington, USA born 1984 at 7:00 pm
I have a twin brother who was born one minute after me.
We were born in Washington D.C.

20  Zane Macalpine of There, New Zealand born 1976 at 6 pm
I'm a twin!

21  Jane Kern of Florida, USA born 1932 at 11:45 P.M.
Although I've met less than a handful of Leap Day babies, my twin brother, Joel Russell and I were born in Birmingham, Alabama on Leap Day. Another set of twins (girls) were born the same day -- Leap Day, 1932. There were write-ups in the Birmingham News on the birth of two sets of twins, and again on our first Leap Year birthday. Although we exchanged cards with the other set of twins, we never met until we were freshmen at Auburn. The
twin girls and I were on the same floor in the same dormitory. Seacrest School, the independent school I initiated and developed in Naples, Florida, proclaimed February 29 as Jane Kern day, with great celebrations every Leap Year.

22  Steven Puertas of New York, USA born 1992 at 4:44
I am a leap day birthday twin. E-mail me if you are too!

John Puertas of New York, USA born 1992 at 4:59
I am a Leap Year millennium twin celebrating a once in a lifetime event.
E-mail me if you are a twin also.

23  Gerrit Zeevat of The Netherlands born 1972
Hello, my name is Gerrit and I am one of a Leap Day twin. My brother Henk is my twin brother. We sure are look-a-likes. Many times we met people who mix us. It often happens that people begin to talk to me while I really don't know them. If I tell them that my name is Gerrit and not Henk, than they are really surprised. That is really funny.  

Leap Back Up!

24  Tammy of Arizona, USA born 1964 at 6:04 PM
Not only was I born on such a unique day, but I was also born a twin!! Twice as unique!

25  Betsy Nash Jacobs of Michigan, USA born 1932 at 2:14 P.M.
I have a twin brother, Thomas Gibson Nash, born at 2:05 pm. I also have a daughter,
Rhonda Clare Jacobs Augustin, born on February 29, 1968 at 9:13 am. We were all
three born at the same hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

26  Chris Burns of Pennsylvania, USA born 1968 at 0658
When my mom was pregnant the doctors told her that she was only going to have one child and the due date would be around MARCH 17th - however little did they know that my twin sister was directly behind me that the doctors could not tell that my mother was having twins until 1 week before she delivered - I am also left handed
my sister is right handed - is this rare????

27  Katie Luchino of New Jersey, USA born 1996 at 12:43 pm
My brother Steven and I were born on the same day -- we're twins.

Steven Luchino of New Jersey, USA born 1996 at 12:45 pm
My sister Katie was born on the same day as me -- we're twins!

28  Janet Swire Hillel of New York, USA born 1944
I share my Leap Year birthday with my twin sister. On Feb. 29th, my daughter dedicated her graduate school presentation to me and her aunt, she said, who are 14 today.

29  Ronald Kamrowski of Minnesota, USA born 1952
I have a twin brother, Richard. We were just on the local TV news for a short spot, we were on the 5,6, and 10 o'clock news. When I met my wife, I didn't realize she has a younger brother born on the 29th.

30  Pat Loerke White of New York, USA born 1956 at 6:30 AM
I had a twin sister who unfortunately died at birth. Any other twins out there? I've met one other leap day baby, born the same year. We celebrated our 18th "birthday" together in 1974, but have lost touch. Where are you Beth?


31  Tomas of New Mexico, USA born 2000 at 2:30

Joshua of New Mexico, USA born 2000 at 2:30
I am a proud father of twin boys born on leap day 2-29-00

32  Robert E. Corwin of New York, USA born 1972 at 10:30 pm
Pretty neat being a leap day kid. I'm also an identical twin to boot.

33  Cody Wise of Alaska, USA born 1976 at 11 pm
I have a twin named Casey

34  Sean Levesque of British Columbia, Canada born 2000 at 8:55 pm
My brother and I are identical twins born on Leap Day 2000. My mom almost didn't make it to the hospital because she didn't believe she was in labour. We were a month early and she thought she was imagining the contractions because she had always wanted a leap day baby. Now she has two :0)

Brian Levesque of British Columbia, Canada born 2000 at 9:30 pm
I'm Sean's twin born on February 29, 2000.

35  Ricky of Quebec, Canada born 1952
Robbie and I are identical twins, 5 minutes apart

36  Rachel Amy Reid of Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK born 2000 at 20.31
Just to let you know that I have a twin brother, Kieran, and we are "millennium Leap Day twins".

37  Brett McChesney of Ontario, Canada born 1972 at 2:45 am
I also have a twin sister born 27 minutes before me!

38  Canyon Stewart of California, USA born 1996 at 3:15 pm
TWINS born on Leap Year!! My due date was March 20th, but the twins had another idea. They decided their birthday should be the same as grandmas'. . . Leap Year day. needless to say, she was pleased. So now grandma was 14 last year and the twins had their first b-day. Forever young. Does that mean they stay at home longer.
I hope so.  

Leap Back Up!

39  Ayana Jack of Trinidad And Tobago born 1972 at 1:05 p.m.
Hello! Pleased to meet all of you reading this. My twin brother and I (we're fraternal twins) have never been fortunate to meet anyone in Trinidad and Tobago who share our unique birthday. So when a friend in the U.S. told me about this site, I just had to check it out! My story is more of an anecdote. When folks find out my birth date,
they invariably ask, "So when do you celebrate if it's not a Leap Year?" And our answer? March 1!! :) We prefer that day since technically, we were born after Feb. 28. bye for now! AJ

40  Amber V. of Ohio, USA born 1976
My brother and I were born at Good Samaritan Hospital in Dayton, OH. We have been informed that we are the first set of twins born this date in Ohio, and possibly one of the only two sets born in Ohio 02-29-76. Can anyone please help confirm? Thanks.

41  Jackie Anderson of South Dakota, USA born 1964 at 1:01 pm
I have a twin sister who obviously was born on Leap Day too in 1964 at 1:00 pm.
How many twin leap babies do you know of?

42  Rosie Lorraine Hubbard of Wellington, New Zealand born 1968 at 6:00 am
I am a Leap Year twin and the youngest of twin girls. My twin sister is 10 minutes older than me and I love her to pieces. The day we were born we made headlines in the Hawkes Bay paper. In the year 2000 we made a comeback on the front of the Dominion newspaper. (Wellington newspaper.) We are now 34 years of age and I'd like to say one thing and that is "You don't hear of many 8 year olds who have been there and done that!" Ha!Ha! See you all and have a great birthday in 2004.

43  Cindy Macrafic (Enderson) of Rochester, Minnesota, USA born 1956
On 2/29/80, I got the best birthday gift ever! My daughter, Michelle, came into the world weighing just 2 lb 14 oz. Despite the fact that she was a twin--her identical twin, Melissa, died two days later of cerebral hemorrhage--and six weeks early, she is now a healthy young woman that has made her family VERY proud. We have such fun celebrating our birthdays EVERY year together! The best part is the off-years when we celebrate both 2/28 AND 3/1 :) Hugs to Jane Trieschman; I'm that long-lost grade school buddy! Hope I can find you out there...

44  Frankie Szot of Illinois, USA born 2000 at 10:41 PM
Frankie and Lexi... Together we will remain forever young.....How special we are.

45  Stan of USA born 1952
Not only am I a Leap Year baby, but I am also a twin. How many more are out there?

46  Natalie Bowie of California, USA born 1984 at 11:45 pm
My twin sister and I were born on Leap Year Day 1984. The interesting part of the story is that my Dad is also a twin, which makes the odds of that happening even larger.   

Leap Back Up!

47  Georgie McKenzie of England, UK born 1984 at 03:45 am
I'm one of Leap Day twins... I have an identical twin called Francesca (Frankie)!
We were due on 12 March and because twins are usually early, my dad kept
joking about us being born on Leap Day! Sure enough, my mother's labour started
at 22:45 on Tuesday 28 February 1984... after a rather quick labour, Frankie was
born at 03:30am and I followed 15 minutes later!!!! (Note: my proper name is
Georgiana, but I go by the name of Georgie).

48  Laura Hall Nelson of New Hampshire, USA born 1964 at 9:40 pm
I am an identical twin. Do you know other twins who share this birth day?

49  Jill Stanton of Surrey, England, UK born 1976 at 15:31
Have I met another leap day baby, sure have. My fraternal twin sister Helen. We also have a family friend born in 1980 who is also a Leap Year baby, and there was another Leap Year baby in our school year.

50  Randy Zavattieri of New Jersey, USA born 1960 at 11.05 pm
I am a twin born on Leap Year (Randy and Ronny) we are nonidentical and I am 5 minutes older. My brother Ron had the brains and I had the good looks and charm. Only twins in 1960 born in USA.

Ronny Zavattieri of New Jersey, USA born 1960 at 11.10 pm

51  Dale Wimer of Missouri, USA born 1952 at 4:58 PM
I have a twin sister to share Leap Day with. Her name is Diana Selken and she was born four minutes before me. Being Leap Day babies has kept us close and we continue to have fun with it.

52  Jonas Phillips of Illinois, USA born 2000 at 4:35 pm
Leap Year 2000 twins (boy/girl). Will be 4 (1) this year.

53  Jenna Michelle Kelly of New York, USA born 2000 at 930 am
Hello to all "Leapsters" This is my first official birthday. I was born on the millennium and I have twin brother named Jake who is 5 minutes younger than me. Our mom tells us our birthday is very special and we agree.

54  Samuel Gathagu Munyigi of Nairobi, Kenya born 1976
The only leaper I have ever met is my twin sister. Any idea how I can meet or get to know about other leapers especially from Africa?

55  Claire B of Co. Cork, Ireland born 1988
Hey! I was born on a Leap Year Day!! Yipee a birthday only every four years!! It gets worse!!!  I have a twin brother to share it with as well!! Go me!! Anyway that's my great story!!! Luv, Claire xxx    

Leap Back Up!

56  Belinda Saccuto of Pennsylvania, USA born 1964 at 6:40 AM 
I share my birthday with my twin sister. We have met 2 other Leap Years Babies.

57  Michelle Meakin of England, UK born 1972 at 10:50 PM 
At the grand old age of nearly 34/ 8.5 years! I never thought I would ever have to acknowledge twice as many people as any normal person does! Half of these I don't know - but am sure my twin sister does!!! But i do feel extra special and am sure identical twins can relate to this, let alone Leap Twins!!

58  Jason Rese of Idaho, USA born 1972 at 12:34 pm 
I also have a twin sister, Krista! We have never met another set of twins that were born on leap year! On off leap years we always celebrated on February 28th! Have a Great Day!

59  Brenda Cherie Ortega of Washington, USA born 1988 at 10:33 AM 
I am a Twin Leap Year baby, are there more of us out there?

60  Ashvini Persaud of New York, USA born 1980 at 9 AM 
I was born on Feb. 29th along with my sweetheart twin sister in 1980, Guyana. Years later we found out that my twin sister's best friend who befriended her when we emigrated to the U.S. and who had found her way without knowing us to the same elementary school and high school in our home country, and also to the same high school and college in the US that we attended, was also born hours apart from us and in the same place. However, her birthday fell the day after, March 1st, 1980 and also in the same hospital where we were born. I mean, we were most likely hanging out in the same baby ward. Coincidentally, the name of the hospital and the high school we attended in our home country were also the same. And our assignment to that school was also random. She basically wound up running into us several times unwittingly until she became my sister's best friend in the US and we discovered she came into this world with us. This kind of intertwining of fates can make one believe in
destiny. Doesn't it? And the best part is that our parents did not know each other. Other than that, while it is sucky listening to all the, "So how old are you really?' jokes, at least we leap babies can qualify for some good perks. ON our last birthday, we got celebrity treatment on the David Letterman show with other Leap babies. And the best part it only happened because a previous boss remembered me and my sister's birthday. There's some Honor Roll!

61 Raven of Indiana, USA born 1996 at 10:48 am 

Rakwon of Indiana, USA born 1996 at 10:57 am 
The mother of leap day twins interested in other leap day moms

62  Melissa Cornish of Queensland, Australia born 1968 at 23:00 
yes my twin sister (identical)

63  Kenneth R. Pease of California, USA born 1996 at 6:00 pm 
I was quite a surprise for my mom. I'm a twin and my sister and I were not due until April 21. We came about 8 weeks early!  

Leap Back Up!

64  Michael Adams of Illinois, USA born 1992 at 1:59 pm 
I have a fraternal twin brother 1 minute older than me.

65  Fiona Daniel of Victoria, Australia born 1980 at pm? 
I am the younger of twins born in New Zealnd!! There are not many of us 29ers born in NZ let alone TWINS so feel very special about being a 29er!!

66  Erin Florian of Michigan, USA born 2000 at 13:00 
Our twin girls came 6 weeks early and landed on leap day. At our same hospital in Detroit, Michigan there were 3 other sets of twins and a set of triplets all born on February 29, 2000. What a day.

67  Eileen Dawson of London, England, UK born 1952 at 
hi I'm a Leap Year twin born in London, UK. I'm 14 now in Leap Years, by the time I leave school I'll be a professor!!!

68  Bradie of North Carolina, USA born 1976 at 07:58 
I am a Leap Day baby twin.

69  Krista Smith of Washington, USA born 1972 at 4:00 PM 
I am a twin!!

70  Lisa Zahra of NSW, Australia born 1976 at 12.03 PM 
I am a twin born in NSW Australia on leap year day.

71  Stacy Thun of Minnesota, USA born 1976 at 8 pm 
I also have a Twin sister!!!

72  Jackie of Ontario, Canada born 1976 at AM 
I am an identical twin born on the Leap Year Day who turns 8 today. All I say is I will be young always in Leap Years!! I was always told that we were special because this day is so rare.   

Leap Back Up!

73  Shawonna Patrice Johnson of Louisiana, USA born 1984 at 7:12 AM 
I have an identical twin sister who is also born on February 29th

74  Georgina of Queensland, Australia born 1976 at 1 am 
Hello i have know another Leap Day baby my twin brother but this year my best friend
had her baby on my 32/8 birthday it was magical pressy.

75  Sarah Hunt of Florida, USA born 1980 at 4:02 pm 
I'm half of a set. I have a twin brother named Matt who was born 23 minutes after me. We were born at home (hippie parents) with midwives and my Mom had no idea there were two of us. SUPRISE!

76  Hannah Elizabeth Sklar of Texas, USA born 2008 at 10 AM 
Please welcome Hannah E. and Benjamin J. Sklar born February 29th 2008.

77  Afsheen of Karachi, Pakistan born 1976 at 6:45 am 
hi we sisters r twin n a leap year too, amazing:)

78  Josephine of Surrey, England, UK born 1984 at 2:14 am 
The only other Leap Day baby I've met is my twin brother!! I love being a Leapling, it's always a real ice-breaker, as it seems to fascinate people. Hooray for being a Leapling!

79  Nadia Thompson of New York, USA born 1976 at 10:51 pm 
I am a Mirror twin born on Leap Day. Does any one know of other twins or mirror twins born on Feb 29th?

80  Meghan Nelson of Texas, USA born 1988 at AM 
I was born Feb 29, 1988 and I have a twin brother!! Daniel Nelson. We’re both of Dallas, Texas

81  Tiana of California, USA born 2004 at PM 
What are the odds of having twins on Leap Day!

82  Hayden Murdock of Texas, USA born 2000 at 8:41 pm 
I also have a twin sister Audrey.

Audrey Murdock of Texas, USA born 2000 at 8:43 pm 
I am a twin with Hayden Murdock

83  Sylvia of Michigan, USA born 1996 at 8:02 am 
I'm Sylvia I am a twin and me and my sister are leap year babies

84  Paula Richards of Maine, Knox born 1976 at 10;39 AM 
Well I was born on Feb 29th 1976 I have a twin sister and an older sister also
born on Leap Year..My Mom made the Guinness book of world records..

85  Shawna B. of Vancouver, Canada born 1972
I am a fraternal twin, my brother is 5 minutes older than me. I also have a
daughter who was born on leap year as well:)

86  David Fernández Chain of Cuba born 1992 at 11:30 pm
I don't know how, but i always knew my birthday was on a leap day, maybe because my mom always told us, i said us because i share my life and birthday with my twin bro, so i always met someone else born on a Leap Day jajajaand. In common years we always celebrated it the day we like it, we were allowed to choose and we always choose a class day and then not go to classes hahaha. In our case was on Saturday of 1992, i read that February 29th is only Saturday every 400 years, we are proud of be Leap day guys, and more proud of been on Saturday. You always met people who says that you don't have a birthday, but for 29 is special and today in we celebrate it our birthday on March 1st, and of course February 29th, always the day after 28th.

87  Paula Richards of Maine, Knox born 1976 at 10;39 AM Well I was born on Feb 29th 1976 I have a twin sister and an older sister also born on Leap Year. My Mom made the Guinness book of world records.

Leap Back Up!

88  Donald Allen Johnson and Richard Edward Johnson Born Feb 29th 1960

In Jacksonville North Carolina. And we are close. He fell and hurt his back and I felt it and I was in a different state.

89  Julie Major-Smith and Carol Murray born Feb 29, 1964
We were born in Blackburn, Lancashire at Queens Park Hospital on 29th February, Julie Major-Smith was first 8:30 pm then me Carol Murray 8:49 pm (Julie 10 mins older)

90   Timothy and Thomas Amos born February 29, 2000

Born in 2000 twins of the new millennium

91  Savannah Stuckey born February 29, 2000
My sister Hannah and myself were born on February 29th 2000. We were the first Leap Year twins of the new millennium in Troy, Alabama






1  Brian Anthony Bendt of Charleston, South Carolina, USA born 1976 at 2:30pm My younger brother is also a Leapie! What a birthday present - One of my mom's favorite stories is when we went to get my drivers' permit. It was on 2/28 in a non-Leap Year. We stood in line for hours. When we registered for the test, it was realized that 2/29 was not in the computer and we had to return on March 1 to get the drivers' permit. When my younger brother was 15, Mom had learned her lesson and did not go to the SC Department of Transportation until afterMarch 1! Happy Birthday, Brett!

Brett Aaron Bendt of Charleston, South Carolina, USA born 1984 at 8:30 AM
My older brother is also a Leapie! He is 8 years old than I am. It is nice to have such an usual birthday and it is equally as nice to share it with a brother! Happy Birthday, Brian!

2  Shawn Ball of Virginia, USA born 1992 at 6:02 pm
I have a younger brother born on 2/29/2000. Two Leap Day babies in one family.

3  Suzette M. Dray of Alaska, USA born 1952 at 6:02am
My sister, who is 8 years younger, is also a Leap Year Baby. Same mother, but different father, but still born on Feb. 29th, like I was.

4  Bob Turcotte of Massachusetts, USA born 1960 at 
My little brother was born on my birthday in 1968.

5  Sean Leboeuf of Massachusetts, USA born 1992 at 0935 
I was born on my sisters birthday-she had to reschedule her 2nd (8th) birthday party!! So, I always had a Leap Year birthday buddy!

6  Vanessa of Washington, USA born 1996 
Hi everyone! xD I'm a Leap Day baby. My brother is also, but he's not a twin. How rare is that? xDD





1  Bill Terrell of Ohio, USA born 1928 at 11:30am
I was born on my Mother's 5th birthday. There ought be a law...rotate every 4 years and eliminate the last day from a DIFFERENT month every year... WHY MUST IT JUST BE FEBRUARY?

2  Elizabeth G. Moore of South Carolina, USA born 1952 at 8:36am
I was born on my mothers 6th Birthday! My mother, Ruth J. Griffn, was born 2/29/1928 (d. 9/6/96). When this happened it was picked up by the Associated Press and the United Press. Their headlines read like the ones in a tabloid that you see in the check-out line in the grocery stores; "SOUTH CAROLINA WOMAN HAS SECOND CHILD ON HER SIXTH BIRTHDAY".

3  Tiaudra Riley of Georgia, USA born 1976 at 11:00 a.m
My brother is also born on Leap Year 8 years before me so we have always been close although he told me when he was 8 and I was born he would have rather had a pinball machine as a birthday present!

4  Matt Royal of Ontario, Canada born 1980 at 11:00am
My mother is also a Leap Year Baby, born in 1952, on a Friday morning. We think we are the only mother/son combo in the world, unless you know of any?

5  Janis Comer of Georgia, USA born 1948 at 5:05 am
I never thought that being born on Feb. 29 was so unusual until February 29, 1972. That year (at the age of  7) I gave birth to my daughter. She and I have shared this unusual birthday and had a lot of fun with it. We have been front page news and TV news more than once. It's been fun. This year we will celebrate together with our entire family in Atlanta.

6  Betsy Nash Jacobs of Michigan, USA born 1932 at 2:14 P.M.
I have a twin brother, Thomas Gibson Nash, born at 2:05 pm. I also have a daughter, Rhonda Clare Jacobs Augustin, born on February 29, 1968 at 9:13 am. We were all three born at the same hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

7  Rhonda Jacobs Augustin of Illinois, USA born 1968 at 09:13 a.m.
I was born on my mother's birthday - she's also a Leap Day baby (plus she has a twin brother)! That's three of us in our family born on this special day. My mom's and my picture was in papers all across the country the next day. Many people sent the clippings to us and I have them in a scrapbook. I love being born on Leap Day!

Leap Back Up!

8  Richard of Ontario, Canada born 1960 at 9:00 a.m.
No message. How about this for your information? I was born a Leap Year baby (1960). My son is also a Leap Year baby (2000). Both he and myself were born in the same hospital and same ward 40 years apart.

9  Rebecca Rang of Texas, USA born 1968 at 11:58? am
Yes, I do know another Leaper. She is my mother. She had me on her leap day birthday and as far as we know, we are the only ones who have this. Don't ask me how, she just said she was blowing out candles and then it was time.

10  Adelelynna Tan of Singapore born 1972 at 7.33 am
I'm mom to a Leap Day baby as well - my daughter, Megan.

Megan of Singapore born 1996 at 1630 hrs
Hi all, I'm a Leaper born to another Leaper! My mommy, Adele, was born in 1972.

11  Barbara Stoner of Oklahoma, USA born 1972 at 6 am
Last year (2000) I gave birth to a Leap Year baby and made all the Oklahoma City papers. The teaser was "one in two million" baby because they calculated the odds of a Leap Year mom giving birth (naturally - not induced) to a Leap Year baby was over one in two million. They interviewed my Mom because when I was born in 1972 I was the first Leap Year baby in Boulder County, CO. and made the papers.

Max Stoner of Oklahoma, USA born 2000 at 2 pm
On February 28th I celebrated my first unofficial birthday with my Mom, Barbara Stoner, who is also a Leap Year baby. (She is raising me to be a strict Februarian). As you can see in my Mom's bio, we made all the papers when I was born. It was great!

12  Amy of Florida, USA born 1964 at AM
My daughter was also born on Leap Day in 1996.

Amanda of Florida, USA born 1996 at 6:10 AM
Amanda is the best birthday present I have ever received. I was born on Leap Day 1964. She was due on March 7th but came a week early. When I get pregnant it never ccurred to me that we might share the same bday. Amy

13  Cindy Macrafic (Enderson) of Rochester, Minnesota, USA born 1956
On 2/29/80, I got the best birthday gift ever! My daughter, Michelle, came into the world weighing just 2lb14oz. Despite the fact that she was a twin--her identical twin, Melissa, died two days later of cerebral hemorrhage--and six weeks early, she is now a healthy young woman that has made her family VERY proud. We have such fun celebrating our birthdays EVERY year together! The best part is the off-years when we celebrate both 2/28 AND 3/1 :) Hugs to Jane Trieschman; I'm that long-lost grade school buddy! Hope I can find you out there...

14  Audrey M. of Iowa, USA born 1952 at 0729pm
In 1952 on the front page of the newspaper was a picture of me and the other three Leap Year babies born that day at the local county hospital. I have met two of the other three Leap Year Babies. My daughter, Breann was born on my 8th Leap Year. We have a very special Leap Year bond!

15  Erin Cunningham of Maryland, USA born 1988 at 12:30pm 
My mother and I were both born on Leap Year Day which is extremely unusual to happen. When I was born my mom received her own water front private room. The news came and asked to video tape my birth but my mom wouldn't let them. We were put on the news written about in the news paper and given a limo ride home. Also all the expenses were paid for in full by the hospital.

Leap Back Up!

16  Kathy LaMee of Washington, USA born 1972
My birthday present on my '6th' birthday was to give birth to my son! I love that I have someone to share my birthday with!

Christopher LaMee of Washington, USA born 1996 at 10:06am 
I was my mom's birthday present! A little early and unexpected though!

17  Aimee Chapman of UK born 1996 at 11.07 
Born on my mother's Leap Year 8th birthday.

18  Karen Parke of Western Australia, Australia born 1968
When I was growing up I thought I was so special being born on the 29th Feb... until I had my daughter also on the 29th Feb! We love our birthday and love even more that we are very unique. No-one forgets our birthday.

19  Jaimey Parke of Western Australia, Australia born 1996 at 2:00 pm 
Hi I'm Jaimey, I was born on the 29th of February which is also my Mums Birthday. My Mum and I were a 1 in 5,000,000 chance of mother and daughter being born on a Leap Day according to our local radio station

20  Onia Aspinall of New York, USA born 1960 at 6:55PM 
People are always surprised when I tell them my birthday. This is also strange: my two daughters are born on Leap Day... out of three children.

21  Brooke Anderson of Pennsylvania, USA born 1980 at 20:13 
My daughter, Peyton was born 2/29/2008.And not by choice (she came 6 weeks early). We were both born on Fridays. And the Philadelphia Phillies won the world series both years of our birth (and none in between). Coincidence? I think not.

Peyton of Pennsylvania, USA born 2008 at 10:45am 
I was born the same day as my mom. Another Baby was born the same day as me at the same hospital that also shared their mom's leap year birthday. It difference was that baby was a scheduled birth and i surprised my mom 6 weeks early.

22  Shawna B. of Vancouver, Canada born 1972 at? 
I am a fraternal twin, my brother is 5 minutes older than me. I also have a daughter who was born on leap year as well:)

23  Eileen Best of Kent, United Kingdom, born 1936 at 7:00 pmI was born on 29 February 1936 and my first son was born on 29 February 1964.  We were both born on a Saturday, which is only possible every 28 years.  I wonder how unusual this is?





  1  Brett Herbers of Kansas, USA born 1980
Father is a Leap Year baby too.


  2  William D. Freeze of Utah, USA born 1952 at 5:30 AM
I was born in Bloomington, Indiana on leap day in 1952 and my cousin Trel Wechter was also born on the same day in South Bend, Indiana. My wife and I have 5 daughters and our 4th daughter Camille Ruth Freeze was born in Louisville, Ky. on February 29, 1980. This year I will celebrate my 12th Real birthday with my 20-year-old daughter (4th Real birthday)! - Bill Freeze/Provo, Utah

    Camille Ruth Freeze of Colorado, USA born 1980 at 7:40 AM
Camille Ruth Freeze was born on Leap Year 1980 in Louisville, Kentucky to Bill and Linda Freeze, who at the time lived in Jeffersonville, Indiana. Camille is the 4th of 5 daughters in her family and is married to Cameron Kesler of Blackfoot, Idaho. Cameron and Camille are student-athletes at Mesa State College in Grand Junction, Colorado. Cameron is a senior and plays first base on the baseball team. Camille is a sophomore and is a shooting guard for the Lady Maverick basketball team. Camille will celebrate February 29, 2000, with her husband and parents and her father, Bill, was also a Leap Year baby in 1952!


  3  Tory of Kentucky, USA born 1960
I have a Leap Husband and a Leap Baby...Baby Bridget was born 2/29/2000,
on her Daddy's 10th (Leap) Birthday!

Leap Back Up!


  4  Bethany Cassity of Indianapolis, Indiana, USA born 1988 at 10:50am
My dad is a leap baby too! He was born in 1956.

  5  Robert Fowler Jr of Georgia, USA born 1968 
My father was also born on leap day


  6  Robert C Holstin of Arizona, USA born 1964 at 2am
So what are the odds of my son being born on the 29th? He was!!! We both have the same name except he's a II. We both have the same birthday, except I was born in 1964 and he was born in 2004...Here's the really cool part. I was in the newspaper back in 64, and now I'm in the paper with my son 40 years later! Way cool!


  7  Kaylie Lynn Hedges of Ohio, USA born 2004 at 6:21 pm 
You may have guessed that this is not the real Kaylie Lynn Hedges, this is her mother, Tara. I registered my 2/12 year old daughter with this site because her and her father share a leap day birthday. My ex-husband was born Feb. 29, 1984, and my daughter, Kaylie was born, Feb. 29, 2004 at 6:21pm. I am just looking to meet other Leap Day children in my area that are near my daughter's age. Thanks For Reading~ Tara and Kaylie Hedges

  8  Lisa Green of Pennsylvania, USA born 1984 at 5:53 am 
My Dad was also born on Feb. 29, 1956. I was his birthday present that year. Just what he ask for! Are there any other father-daughter leap year families out there?

  9  Moneyn Colley of Delaware, USA born 1968 at 7 pm 
My father and I were both born on February 29--exactly 24 years apart.


10  Gene of Missouri, USA born 1944 at 2:11 AM 
I have enjoyed being a Leap Year Day baby. My son was also born on February 29th. He was the best present I will ever receive. As you might imagine, we are close and really are each other's best friend

11  Leonard Keyes Jr born 1940 and Stacy Keyes 1964
I was born on my dad‘s 24th birthday 2/29/64 in Chicago. Daddy always said I was “The Best” birthday present he ever got!

12  Aida Van Houten Feb 29, 2000


I myself am a fellow leapling and my wife and I just had our son today on February 29th 2024. He was also born at the same exact time as me, 3:11pm

Leap Back Up!




1  Joshawa T. Smith of Oregon, USA born 1980 at 8:15 am
My brother is 4 years (or one Leap Year) older and our Grandmother was
a Leap Day Baby.

Steven Smith of Oregon, USA born 1976 at 8:10 am
My brother is 4 years (or 1 Leap Year) younger, and our Grandmother was
a Leap Day Baby.

2  Lenore Alice Platt of Michigan, USA born 1932 at 2:15 pm
Sure have met another Leap Year baby! It is my granddaughter Nicole Marek,
born February 29, 1996. Can you imagine the odds of this happening? We
were surprised and delighted when she arrived.

Nicole Marek of Michigan, USA born 1996 at 7:00 am
I just had my second birthday party at Chuckee Cheese! Actually I had to
share it with my cousins whose birthdays are 3/6 and 3/11. Bummer.


3  Kari Baumgartner of Ohio, USA born 1992 at 5:09 am
My Great-Grandmother was also a Leap Year baby!


4  Laura of Kansas, USA born 1980 at 3:59 PM
Our birthday runs in my family--My Great-Grandma was born on
February 29, 1896!


5  Sharon Carlson of California, USA born 1944
I was born in Rockford, Illinois. The year 2000 I will be a 14 year old, 56 year old. Growing up being a Leap Year Baby was a different experience, special attention, celebrating on the 28th, though as all of you, not born yet & March 1st a day old. Had a couple newspaper articles when I was still in Illinois & last Leap Year (1996) in our local little Fort Bragg, CA Advocate News. There were 3 others in town. I shared my Leap Year birthdays with my brother-in-law, Duane Barker (2/29/32) of Illinois when I married Larry in 1963. We have 2 children, Cindy & Jeff & they always got a kick out of Mom's birth date as does my Mom Lorrie. But here is the real kick in the pants.....Our daughter was expecting our 1st grandchild February 28, 1996, her husband Curt's was born on the 28th, ( missed being a Leap Year by a few hours). Anyway, as luck would have it our precious Granddaughter, Alyssa was born on my birthday in 1996 & she will be celebrating her very 1st (4th) birthday in the year 2000! What a Joy! I will see to it that she too has joined this wonderful Honor Society. Thank you both for the opportunity to share this skipped over date with so many other leapers. You have done a marvelous job. My little Granddaughter & I will love sharing birthdays and watching your web site over the years. Thanks again!

Alyssa Renee Wilson of California, USA born 1996 at 4:42 pm
I don't know it yet, but I am one of the chosen few, a Leap Day Baby. Though I will be 4, I will celebrate my '1st' birthday in the year 2000. My Mommy (Cindy), Daddy (Curtis), and brother Jacob will celebrate
my '1st' birthday at Disneyland along with many other family members. My Grandma (Sharon Carlson) & I have the same birthday, she's old though, she will have had 14 Leap Year birthdays in 2000. When I get older I will share some of my Leap Year adventures. Alyssa

Leap Back Up!


6  Lynn Willis of Washington, USA born 1976
I share this special day with my Grandfather. We shared two Leap Days together before he passed away. I also share this day with a co-worker.


7  Alexander Peltekoff of Ontario, Canada born 1992 at 11:20 a.m.
Yes I have met another leap day baby. My grandpa is one.


8  Steve Lambson of California, USA born 1956 at about 8 am
I share my Leap Day birthday with my paternal grandfather, who died before I was born. Also, two of the kids who were born in the same hospital as me in San Fernando, CA, on the same day, went to my elementary school, and were often in my class! Since then, I have not met more than 3 others with a February 29th birthday.


9  Deb Willoughby of Ontario, Canada born 1960 at 8:30 am
"My grandfather and I were both born on Leap Year and therefore every four years was a big deal in the small city where we grew up. We often were in the newspaper or on the news."


10  Inez of Arizona, USA born 1940 at 8:00 am
My Greatgrama was a Leap Day person --but I never got to meet her she died when I was 15 and she had her 22nd birthday

11  Julie Lawrence of Oregon, USA born 1964 at 2:30 pm
My grandmother Mary Schaaf, was also born on leap day. Her birth date was February 29, 1904.


12  Janel Madrigal of Colorado, USA born 1956 at 6;45 pm
yes my grandmother was also born on Feb. 29th


13  Jordan Burgess of Massachusetts, USA born 1952
My great-grandmother has the same birthday!


14  Alan Ertle of New York, USA born 1980 at 1:21 pm
Both my Great Grandfather and Great Great Grandfather was born on Leap Year. Unplanned of course. I've only met a couple other people born on Leap Year. There is one person stationed on the same ship
as me in the Navy.


15  Bob Blume of Colorado, USA born 1936 
My grandson Joey Drager was born 2/29/96

Leap Back Up!

16  Matthew Paul Laflamme of New Hampshire, USA born 2000 at 8:43 p.m.
There were two leap babies born at the hospital where I was born. My mommy was due on Leap Day, and no one believed she actually delivered on her due date -- but I did!!! My great great grandmother was also a Leap Day baby, although she celebrated in February, I am going to celebrate in March!

17  Haley Nicole Medrano of Michigan, USA born 2000 at 12:58 a.m.
I was the first baby born at my hospital on leap day and there were three more born after me. I made the newspaper which was exciting and what's also neat is that I share this birth-date with my paternal great-grandmother. She passed away six months before I was born.


18  Kyra Fletcher of England, UK born 2000 at 12.00pm
I was born 11 days late, on the first leap day of the new millennium, 29th Feb 2000, because I wanted to be special. This is also my great-granddads birthday. I keep in touch via e-mail with another leap day baby and his mum.


19  Mark of Cleveland, England, UK born 1972 at don't know
I am very proud to say I have 2 people in my family that where born on Leap Year my son in law and his daughter my granddaughter it is a very happy day for us all


20  Carol Rebecca of Florida, USA born 1948 at am
I definitely feel very special having not only my birthday on Leap Year, but my beautiful grand-daughter was born on Leap Year as well, and this year, 2004, she will be celebrating her 1st Leap Year Birthday. I by chance looked this site up and had no idea that this site was here and I am happy to see that there is something for us Leap Year Babies for as I was growing up and looking at the calendar and discovered that the 29th was missing, it was very traumatic for me. Now, I have the best time being able to tell people my age, in Leap Years. Happy Birthday to all my fellow Leap Year Babies !


21  Emma Russell of England, UK born 1988 at 3:01am 
My grandparents are also leap year babies!! they were born 29/02/1932, not sure of times though.

Leap Back Up!




1  Sandy Price of Illinois, USA born 1960 at 5:31pm
Probably the happiest Leap Year birthday I have had was when my sister had my nephew on Feb. 29, 1984. I was pregnant with my first child and I was so emotional !!!

2  Donna Warriner (nee Anderson) of British Columbia, Canada born 1952 at 3:06pm
So glad to discover this society. Have long thought that we deserved some special attention for our unique date of birth.

Colin David Nutting of British Columbia, Canada born 2000 at 06:27 am
My aunt, Donna Warriner, who is also a Leap Day baby (1952), is submitting my registration for me. The whole family is very excited that I am finally here, and my aunt is positively thrilled to have a new Leap Day baby to share her special day. I am glad to be a member of this special group.

3  Lena Carrie Johnson of New Mexico, USA born 1980 at 2:30pm
I have a Great Aunt that was born on Leap Year Day as well, in 1908.

4  Lori Chadwick of North Carolina, USA born 1968
Not only am I a Leap Year baby, but so is my niece, Jessi. She was born on my 16th (4th) birthday (what a present!).

5  Stacey Woodard of California, USA born 1968
I also have a niece who was born on Leap Year Day of 1996 and her name is Ashley.

6  Bernard Shepherd of Saskatchewan, Canada born 1960 at 4:44
yesssss!!!!! The world just got took a big leap!!!I also have a 'leap'nephew he's 2.

7  Lee Ann Barron of Maine, USA born 1956
I've only personally known two other people born on Leap Day. One was my mother's uncle and another was a student I hired for an internship where I worked.

8  Randall Young of California, USA born 1964 at 2:45 am
Greetings to all you Leapers out there! My first few leaps were rather painful. I have an older brother, four years older than me born on 28 FEB! He would bring me to tears every year when his "day" came along because I didn't have one. Took me a while to realize what he was missing out on. While he has his "one day"... I have the 28th and the 1st of March to celebrate. But even then, I still have to share that day with an Aunt. Oh well!

9  Bonnie Clark of Maryland, USA born 1932 at 10:00am
My greatniece and I have a special bond. As I celebrate my 17th today, she is celebrating her 4th. She is the only other person that I know who is a Leap Day baby. It's definitely a special day for me. In 1996, my daughter gave me a birthday cake that read 'Happy Sweet 16 Mom'. I felt like a teen again.

10  Jodie Hood of Illinois, USA born 1976 at 7:02 pm
my great uncle (now deceased) was a Leap Year baby also. my mother says he was also born on a Sunday (like me!) which is even more rare apparently (?)

11  Carrie Ouzts of Michigan, USA born 1968 at 9:22am
I enjoy being different!!!!! I have a step-niece who is a leap baby also.

Leap Back Up!

12  Lora of Virginia, USA born 1964 at 11:20am
I have a aunt who was born on the same day so that make us really special two in a 20 year and in one family.

13  Sara Elizabeth Fluhr of Indiana, USA born 1984 at 7:35
Leap Years run in my family. My uncle was born on Leap Year. He turned 12 on last Tuesday. I turned 4. It was great. I also know a really good friend also named Sara, who was born on leap day. She is older, only by a few hours.

14  Pat Mason of Oklahoma, USA born 1960 at 8:15 a.m.
I have a second cousin who was born the same day.

15  Valerie Lee-Cook of Pennsylvania, USA born 1960 at 5:29 a.m.
I had a great uncle born on February 29th also. Two Leap Year people in one family.

16 Leon Rademaker of Flevoland, The Netherlands born 1980 at 7.25 pm.
My uncle is a leap day baby too

17  Duncan John Picher of Maine, USA born 2000 at 9:48 p.m.
I share a birthday with my aunt, also a Leapday baby. Her birthday present on February 29, 2000 was to help me come into the world!

18  Arlene of Massachusetts, USA born 1940 at 6:08pm
I had a great uncle, born on Leap Day. Have known several. The Girls Club of Boston once had a party for Leap Year babies.

Leap Back Up!

19  Jennifer Regan of Illinois, USA born 1988 at approx. 6:30 pm
Our family doesn't just have one Leap Baby- we actually have two. Although we are not blood related, my uncle's mother is a 29er too! The weirdest thing about my birthday was that my mom's water broke at 2:29 a.m. ( 2-29-88 )

20  Jarod J Buechter of Ohio, USA born 1980 at 3:15pm
My uncle Gerard Buechter (my mothers brother) was also born on leap day.

21  Heather Lane of Florida, USA born 1984 at 11:40pm
It is pretty weird because my Aunt is a Leap Year baby and my grandpa was about 30 minutes away from being a Leap Year baby.

22  Corey Sabean of Nova Scotia, Canada born 1996 at 7:20 p.m.
I don't have a story to tell, but my mom has taken lots of comments about my birthday such as "how did you manage to do that?" My Uncle John is a Leap Year baby fact, he had his 16th real birthday in 2000.

23  Bobbie Dickson of Kansas, USA born 1968 at 8:58 am
I have three Leap-Babies in my family. My Great-Uncle and Great-Aunt were both born in 1928. We have always celebrated our day together. My Aunt and Uncle are getting up in years, I am really starting to how few of us there are. I am delighted to find a page that allows me to "Celebrate" with others.

24  Jacqui Graham of New Zealand born 1980 at 0022
I have an uncle on one side of my family that is a Leaper and a cousin on the other side of my family that's one as well. Also another Leaper born in the same hospital as me had her baby on Leap Day 2000!!!!.

25  Cassie Christiaens of Montana, USA born 1976 at AM
I live in a small town of about 30,000 and my aunt's brother is born on Leap Year also. It is weird to know someone so close that was born on this day.

26  Lisa Spradling of Colorado, USA born 1960 at PM
I was born in San Diego at the Balboa Naval Hospital. Myself and other Leap Year Babies had our photos in the local paper. I did not meet another Leap Year person until I was 20 (5). My nephew Jeremy was born on Leap Year in 1984.

27  Jeanette of New Jersey, USA born 1956 at 8:36 am
I have an aunt in Seattle, Washington born on February 29.

28  Richard Moorman of New York, USA born 1980 at 12:25 am
My nephew was born on Leap Day on my 12th birthday in 1992.

29  Pat Nejezchleb of Glenvil, Nebraska, USA born 1952 at 1:28AM
I also had an aunt that was born on leap day.

30  Polly of California, USA born 1964 at 1118
I have met two other Leap Day babies. My aunt's brother-in-law and one of my doctors. As for stories, I had a hard time getting into a bar on my "legal" 21st birthday, since it was the 28th. The bouncer was unaware of Feb. 29.

31  Astrid Gillespie of Essex, England, UK born 1972 at 23:46
I had never met anyone else born on Leap Day until I met my husband's family: his auntie was born on Leap Day in 1944!! She is 15 today and I am 8!

32  Heather Marsh of Ontario, Canada born 1984 at 4 am
I have 2 great aunts born on a leap day.

33  Anna Crider of Missouri, USA born 1996 at 9:07 pm
Anna's great-uncle is also a leap day baby. What are the odds of that in one family?

34  Judith M Koehler of Maryland, USA born 1960 at 7:20 am
I didn't meet anyone with my birthday until my niece married her husband twelve years ago. Coincidently, his birthday was also February 29. What a small world!


Leap Back Up!

35  Amanda Boll of Connecticut, USA born 1988 at 11:43pm
Crazy enough to say... I was born on February 29, 1988. My oldest sister Dana, was due to have her baby, my niece, on February 24. But again crazy enough to say, she was late with having her baby and February 29th, 2004 on my birthday I was waking up at 5am to help my sister deliver my baby niece born at 7:45 am... and I cant wait to share my birthday with her.

36  John Rabacs of Georgia, USA born 1964 at 7:04 am 
My Uncle and Cousin are also born on 2/29.

37  Cole Greene of Delaware, USA born 2004 at 7:41pm 
My son just had his first Leap Day and we were recommended to join this site by his Great Uncle who is also a Leap Baby (he's 19 in Leap Years).

38  Richard Franklin of Pennsylvania, USA born 1960 at 0415 
I have two family members who were born on Leap Day. Aunt Henrietta born in 1916, and my niece Keshia born in 1988. BTW, Keshia and I were both born on Monday.

39  Tylor Charles Manuelito of Arizona, USA born 2004 at 0230 
My son also has an uncle born on Leap Day. My son is only 6 and does not understand Leap Year and his birthday being on a day that is not on the calendar. :)


Leap Back Up!



1  Raenell Dawn of Keizer, Oregon, USA born 1960 at 2:33pm
My second cousin, Chris Wilcox was born on my 5th birthday.

Christopher (Chris) Wilcox of Long Beach, California, USA born 1980 at 3:00am
In 1988 I was the first member of Leap Year Babies Limited before it became the Honor Society of Leap Year Day Babies, and I am a second cousin of Raenell.

2  Alan Mileski of Illinois, USA born 1948 at 2:00pm
I have twin cousins who were born 4 years later on Leap Day!

3  Bethany of Ohio, USA born 1980 at 12:24am
I have a cousin, and a good friend that was born on Leap Day.

4  Karen Weintraub of Pennsylvania, USA born 1964 at 11:25am
I have a cousin who is a Leap Year baby. He is 4 years older. I also went to school with a boy born on the same day as me.

5  Allison MacDonald of Pennsylvania, USA born 1980 at 9:39am
A cousin of mine was born on Leap Year 4 or 8 years before me.

6  Linda Myers of Wisconsin, USA born 1948 at 7:13am
Born 5 days early! One of nine Leap Day babies born in Champaign-Urbana, IL. Joined Headlight-Sun "Order of the 29ers World Chapter No. 1 in 1968. Met my then future husband in October 1967. Wanted to ask him to marry me on 2-29-68, BUT waited for him to ask me on 11-9-69! We will be married 30 years on 5-23-2000. Promote LEAP DAY in all that you do. This is a great club promoting our birthdays.

7.  Zachery Lavesque of Maine, USA born 1996
I am a cousin to Linda Myers member #461. I am as excited about celebrating my 1st Leap Year DAY birthday as I am celebrating my 4th birthday. Send B-day greetings to my Grandma:

Leap Back Up!

8  Christina Korshavn of Wisconsin, USA born 1956 at 6:28am
I have a second cousin born on 2/29, but not the same year.

9  Dena-Rae Martin of Washington, USA born 1960 at 4:24pm
I was born on the birthdate of my mother's cousin. I always celebrate on 2/28-3/1 on the unbirthday years, but NEVER on just March 1st; I wasn't born in March. I LOVE being a Leap Year baby. There are less of us than anyone else and it makes me feel very special. My folks have always made it special. In grade school in Portland my best friend, Kim Smith, was also a Leap Year baby - giving our lucky school two Leap Year babies.

10  Rhonda Goddard Hamby of Missouri, USA born 1968 at 12:15pm
I also have AB- blood, I've been run over by a snowmobile (ski patrol) and I'm a redhead. It's nice to be unique. My cousin is also a Leap Year baby. He is fours year older than me, EXACTLY.


11  Rhea Golveo Marsot of Minnesota, USA born 1976
Actually, I have a first cousin with the same birthday! When my mom was pregnant with me, she was praying that I wouldn't be born on Feb. 29 because she thought it was bad luck.

12  Fred R. Sanders Jr. of Texas, USA born 1940
I have a first cousin Patricia Ruth Sanders #1121, born on the same day!

Patricia Sanders Franklin of Alabama, USA born 1940
Not only have I met another Leap Day baby, he happens to be my first cousin #1118. We were born the same day and year. He was born first and always reminded me that he was the oldest! That used to make me mad. Now, at my age, it makes me happy.

13  William D. Freeze of Utah, USA born 1952 at 5:30 AM
I was born in Bloomington, Indiana on leap day in 1952 and my cousin Trel Wechter was also born on the same day in South Bend, Indiana. My wife and I have 5 daughters and our 4th daughter Camille Ruth Freeze was born in Louisville, Ky. on February 29, 1980. This year I will celebrate my 12th Real birthday with my 20 year old daughter (4th Real birthday)! - Bill Freeze/Provo, Utah

14  John Haughey of Scotland, UK born 1968 at 4:48pm
My cousin John on my mother's side, is exactly four years older than me. 

15  Curt Miller of New York, USA born 1964 at 4 pm
My cousin Jeff M. was also born 2/29/68 we keep in touch . I have always wonder when other leap babies celebrate when we don't have our 29 of Feb.

16  Beverly Potts of Tennessee, USA born 1952 at 1:00 A.M.
Leap Year babies are rare, but we have two in our family! My first cousin was born on my 16th (4th) birthday!

17  Duane Kovarik of Nebraska, USA born 1952 at 2:52 P.M.
My first cousin has a daughter born on Leap Year in 1980 and another cousin has a daughter born on Leap Year in 1988 so all in the family.

18  Christian Knappke of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany born 1960 at 01:50
I also have a LDB cousin. She is 8 years younger.

19  Kayla Mercer of Linden, Tennessee, USA born 1984 at 9:30 a.m.
I have met another Leap Year baby. My cousin was born on Leap Year. My mother was determined to have me one Leap Year because she wanted to make me special. My little brother is 10 and he is always bossing me around because I am really only 4 and he is like, I'm older than you HAHAHAH.

20  Jacqueline C. Walker of Pickens, Alabama, USA born 1956
I don't know how rare this is, but my cousin's baby was born on leap day 2000. How rare is this in the same family.

21  Sandi Goldsmith of Florida, USA born 1944 at 11:30 pm
My cousin is also a Leap Year baby born 4 years before me.

22  Meghan Hoffman of New York, USA born 1980 at 4:25 P.M.
I actually know a lot of leap babies. My second cousin is one, my grandmother's neighbor and when I went to college my freshmen year, the girl that lived across the hall from me was one. We celebrated our birthdays together throughout college:) I feel very lucky to be a leap day baby.

23  Marjorie R. Morrow of Florida, USA born 1940 at 6:00 am
When I celebrated my first Leap Year birthday (when I was 4 years old) they put a picture of me in the newspaper at my birthday party. The most amazing story about my Leap Year birthday is that my mother's double first cousin also had a Leap Year baby -- she's 8 years younger than me. The only other Leap Year baby I ever met was a lady many years older than me at a square dance.

24  Lisa Shanfeld of New Jersey, USA born 1960 at 9:58 a.m.
We actually have a cousin in the family born on a leap day that is many years older than I am apparently.

Leap Back Up!

25   Jacqui Graham of New Zealand born 1980 at 0022
I have an uncle on one side of my family that is a Leaper and a cousin on the other side of my family that's one as well. Also another Leaper born in the same hospital as me had her baby on Leap Day 2000!!!!

26  Jennifer Grace of Massachusetts, USA born 1960 at 7:00pm
I went to high school with someone who was born on the same day, that was a lot of fun in high school, except he had braces and I didn't. When I graduated from high school the school newspaper wrote a story that said: " Girl to graduate at four years old! " I also had a second cousin who was born the same day as me!

27  Jason Kaffenberger of Pennsylvania, USA born 2000 at 6:52p.m.
I have a cousin born on Leap Year 36 years ago.

28  Linda of Texas, USA born 1956
There are 2 other people in my family with Leap Day birthdays, my Mother's cousin and my Father's Sister-in-law.

29  Laura Ryan of Virginia, USA born 1964 at 1730
My cousin and I were born on the same day, same year!

30  Jane of Massachusetts, USA born 1956
Today is my 12th Birthday, and so exciting that my first cousin had a baby today. So this makes two Leap Year babies in one fmaily. How ironic is that? What are the odds? Does anyone else have this in their family? Jane from Bridgewater, MA

31  Kimberly Anderson of Georgia, USA born 1976 at 10:15AM
It is so exciting to see so many Leap Year Babies! I do actually know 4 others that share our birthday...including my cousin. Congratulations to all the new arrivals this year!

32  Faith Truba of Michigan, USA born 2000 at 3:15 pm
My cousin is 12 years older than me to the day. Okay he's only 3 years older than me technically. :)

33  Lowell E. Kraft of Michigan, USA born 1932 at 7AM
I have a second cousin Audrey Murry (Merlinger) of Edmonton, AB formerly of Kitchener, Ontario who is 3 hours younger than I am. She is a former chairperson of the Toastmistress Society of Canada. In 1984,on our 13th birthday, we got together for the first time since we were about 1 & 3/4 (7). We had a lot to talk about. We have not gotten together since. Of course we are 2000 miles apart. I also serve on the Michigan Aeronautics Commission having been appointed by our governor. Mr. Sidney J. Adams of Battle Creek, MI also appointed by the governor, also serves on the MAC. We just celebrated our 18th birthday's. Being in aviation, we have met former Astronaut Jack Lousma (1936) a number of times. GoodYear in Pompano Beach, FL near our winter home in Florida has provided me a certificate for blimp ride. I was Valedictorian of my Pigeon (Michigan) High School graduating class in 1950. My address has been Pigeon all my life.

34  Adam Conway of Vermont, USA born 1980 at 11:40 AM
My girlfriend is actually more excited about this than I am. I celebrated my sixth or twenty-fourth birthday this Leap Year. Strangely enough my cousin was also born on Leap Day in 1984. I wonder what the statistics on having two Leap Day babies in the same family are. I wish I had known about the free ride on the Goodyear Blimp. I would have made the trip out to Ohio!

35  Diane Doup of Indiana, USA born 1972 at 2:23 p.m. 
The most interesting fact of my Leapness is that I have two other cousins who are Leapers too!

36  Kiara of Illinois, USA born 1996 at 3 pm 
Leap Year babies runs through my family. My great aunt on my moms side is a leap year baby. On my dads side my cousin is a leap year baby. And I am HAPPY to be 1!

37  John Rabacs of Georgia, USA born 1964 at 7:04 am 
My Uncle and Cousin are also born on 2/29

38  Matthew Tracy of Pennsylvania, USA born 2000 at 9:50 PM mother's cousin was born on leap day.

39  Jade of Ohio, USA born 1992 at 4:03 pm 
Hi! I was born Leap Day 1992, then 12 years later my little cousin Tori Was born on Leap Day too. Pretty cool, we were on the front page of the local paper.


40  Jerry Conlee of Arizona, USA born 1956 at 833pm 

My first cousin was born 12 years later on the 29.

41  Natalie Robinson of Indiana, USA born 1980 at 926PM 
I have a cousin on my dad's side of the family that is also a leap day baby.

Leap Back Up!



1  Andrew G. Peters of Arizona, USA born 1956 at 11:28pm
My wife and twin sister are Leap Year babies. I also worked with a female engineer who had an identical twin sister . . .their b-day was 02/29/68.

Michelle Peters of Arizona, USA born 1960 at 7:00am
Husband and sister-in-law are Leap Year babies.

2  Mayme Lazenby of Texas, USA born 1936 at 8:15am
My husband is a Leap Year baby, too

Lawton Lazenby of Texas, USA born 1932 at 8:10am

3  Cindy Logan of Ohio, USA born 1972 at 22:20 
My husband and I are both Leap Year Day babies. He was born 4 years and 20 minutes earlier than me!

4   Mary Peterson of Kentucky, USA born 1940 at 8:00 am 
I am married to a Leap Year Day baby.

5  David Tan 1960 and Vivien Ong 1964, Malaysia 

6  Kevin Ferri and Jenna Wareing, both of London, Ontario (born and currently living in London) were both born February 29, 1984, and were married February 29, 2020.

Leap Back Up!



1  Marianne Zukowski Smith of New York, USA born 1948 at 12:24 PM 
I've only met one other Leap Day baby. She was my high school friend's mother. My friend, Sally, brought me home to meet her mother since we shared the same birthday and she had never met anyone born on this special day. On that day, which was my 16th birthday (4 in Leap Years), I also met her brother, suffice it to say, Catherine Colombo Smith (the other Leapling) later became my mother-in-law and we celebrated our birthdays together from then on.

2  Heinz Werner Engel of Bruxelles, Belgium born 1952 at 02:00 
Well in my family we have two of them :)

3  Steve Coysh of Staffordshire, England, UK born 1972 at 8:40pm 
my wife's Grandmother was a leap year baby too !

Leap Back Up!

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